
This is Me

Hi my name is Shahrad Jafari Shakib and I love Computers , From the begining (Since I can remember) I was into computers and liked to play with it all day long and tweek the settings, which can explain why I like to work around and tweek stuff to get to the root of the problems I face in this space.
My first certificate was HTML from SoloLearning which was fun when I was 13,this kick started my journey , that I knew I wanted to be a programer.

My Goals at the time

Right now I'm open to work as a frontend developer or as a backend intern ,I'd like to clarify that I'm not a coder from zero just want to start at a point and get my hands dirty and do the work.

Long-Term Goals

Well I have to admit that I'm kinda ambitious about my long term Goals which they're in my bucket list like I'd like to go into the kernel of the os and maybe optimize it and make it better

This Site is Still not done yet